
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Valentines All Over

There is a tradition to give a card in the shape of heart, so called 'valentine', to our sweethearts on Valentine's Day. One valentine a year is a good thing, but it wouldn't impress your Valentine much. Dozens or hundreds of valentines with complements hidden all over the house or apartment is quite another story.

1. Buy as many valentines as you can handle
2. Look around the house or apartment in search of the visible or hidden place to put a valentine
3. Fix a valentine with a 'context' compliment at each place (i.e. 'You look gorgeous' on the mirror, 'You make me hot' in the microwave oven, etc.)

If you use your brains, finding valentines may take a week or a month. Your sweetheart will spend a great time reading your valentines and your fantasy and efforts will be rewarded.

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